Evil Invaders are a Speed Thrash metal band from Belgium formed in 2007,
they just released their first album in February 2013.
Their style is all about being aggressive in a thrash metal way combined
with extreme speed and high range vocals from the old school speed metal bands.
This EP starts with Victim of Sacrifice, a powerful song that gets you involved
from the beginning to the end. Very strong lyrics suitable for a hymn to sing along
for many years to come.
Driving Fast starting with a really virtuous guitar riffs, it takes you to a fast speed metal rhythm,
great job with the vocals with a really high range and sharp raw voice;
the song slows down a bit on the first part of the solo and then attacks with the main riff,
fast and aggressive! In my opinion, one of the best of the album.
Tortured by the beast, what I really like in this song is the combination of melodic heavy metal verses
with early 90s thrash metal style chorus that make you scream loud "tortured".
Just another masterpiece in this album!
Speed Invasion, as an instrumental track, one of the strongest points here
is how they manage to change the rhythm without losing energy,
speed thrash metal style drums attacking like a bomb!
Alcoholic Maniac, it follows a fast start with some Exumer like riffs,
leading to a headbanging solo with a mid-tempo and high speed mix parts,
this track has a really great instrumental.
Last track is the self titled song Evil Invaders, and this time it starts with an in-crescendo instrumentals,
great job with the bass here! An explosive combination of vocals and guitars,
leading with a great chorus and an amazing ending.
Very solid track with reminiscences of Iron Maiden, where you realise how well influenced they are!
Evil Invaders just made a masterpiece speed-thrash metal album,
even though this is their first album we expect the best from them in the next years,
they are here to stay and to take the lead of the speed thrash metal scene!!
even though this is their first album we expect the best from them in the next years,
they are here to stay and to take the lead of the speed thrash metal scene!!
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