Night are a classic heavy metal band from Sweden formed in 2011 and released two singles in 2012 and 2013 followed by the full length Night, released in November 2013 via Gaphals records, receiving numerous great feedback from the media! Their style can be timed back to the mid late 70s with influences from Judas Priest and early NWOBHM bands like Angel Witch or Samson developing both hard rock and authentic heavy metal melted at perfection.
The album explodes with one of their heaviest anthems, Fire and Steel, taking the genuine sound of the Judas priest British steel era mixed with sharp angry high pitched vocals leading to a headbanging chorus to scream on the gigs; linking this bomb, the main hard rocker-early heavy metal riff of Gunpowder Treason start to sound in crescendo with a forceful mid tempo pulse, one of their best tracks of this album, awesome bridge and really effective chorus!
Following the same headbanging rhythm, Out of the ashes, comes to light created to be a heavy metal hymn; the vocals keep standing in the same high pitched level but this time the sharp style leads to a cleaner vocal techniques, reminiscences of early Judas priest on the instrumental, memories of Cheater from rocka rolla album, that's great!
Running in the night main riff reveals a mid fast tempo headbanging pulse always in harmony with the high pitched vocals, remarkable touch on the drums and the chorus, this track is well linked with Taking you Down where they use the same combo but adding a really intense chorus and an exceptional instrumental with an in-crescendo structure.
Hang 'Em High hard rocker start is amazing as it twists the style bringing you the heavy metal glory on the bridge and chorus in this mid tempo anthem, taking you to the final tracks of the album where the hard rock goes a little behind with Stand Your Ground being again a mid tempo track but with a instrumental gone wilder than before specially at the second half of the song where the vocalist make an outstanding interpretation with sharp high pitched forceful verses.
But don't breath yet, Play it Loud explode like a bomb with the faster tempo hard pounding drumbeats, the composition is awesome as the bridge takes you up to the chorus leaving you banging your head as you shout it Play it loud! And now its the turn of Into the Night, probably the heaviest track together with Fire and Steel, the drums take a rhythm seen before on tracks like Rapid Fire by Judas Priest, now every member of the band is in harmony, the composition is something extraordinary, astonishing the guitars how evolve from bridge to chorus, encapsulating the band's style.
The last track of the album, Keep the Fire Burning, heralds a mid tempo galloping pulse really well forged leaving the sensation of being a solid composition in harmony with the rest of the album but losing some fuel after the last two metal missiles.
Overall Night created an awesome album, where hits like Gunpowder Treason, Fire and Steel or Into the night will be recognised masterpieces, the instrumental is perfect and influenced by the roots of heavy metal, drinking from the same chalice of 70s and specially 1980 British Steel Judas Priest or Dio and having reminiscences of Oliver Magnum. The production is great also, being their first full length is outstanding the sound they have managed, the level of inspiration in this band is truly high and it will be the key of leading the torch of the new wave of classic heavy metal.
8,5 / 10

Gaphals Label
Gaphals Label
Post by Daniel Ortiz from Metalheads Union and Metalheads Union FB
Gaphals Label
Gaphals Label
Post by Daniel Ortiz from Metalheads Union and Metalheads Union FB
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